An experiment in declaratively programming parallel pipelines of state machines.
Imagine a flat complex in Sweden. Being the socialist utopia Sweden is there’s a shared laundry room which the people in the flat complex can book. In the laundry room there’s everything one needs to wash, dry and iron your clothes. You don’t even need to bring your own laundry detergent!
Lets call three people living there Ann, Bo and Cecilia, and lets assume they all want to use the laundry room. Depending on how the booking system is implemented the total time it would take for all three people to do their laundry varies.
For example if the booking system allocates a big time slot per person in which that person can do the whole cycle of Washing, Drying and Ironing then, assuming each step takes one time unit, we get a situation like this:
Ann | W D I W = Washing
Bo | W D I D = Drying
Cecilia | W D I I = Ironing
+-------------------> Time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Bo cannot start washing until Ann is done ironing, because Ann has booked the room for the whole cycle, and so on.
If the booking system is more granular and allows booking a time slot per step then we can get a situation that looks like this:
Ann | W D I
Bo | W D I
Cecilia | W D I
+-------------------> Time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
It should be clear that the total time is shorter in this case, because the machines are utilised better (Bo can start using the washing machine right after Ann is done with it). Also note that if each person would start a new washing after they finish ironing the first one and so on then the time savings would be even greater.
This optimisation is called pipelining. It’s used a lot in manufacturing, for example Airbus builds two airplanes per day. If you were to order a plane today you’d get it delivered in two months time. How is that they deliver two per day if it takes two months to build them? Pipelining! It’s also used inside CPUs to pipeline instructions.
The rest of this document is an experiment in how we can construct such pipelining in software in a declarative way.
The workers or stages in our pipeline will be state machines of the following type.
data SM s a b where
Id :: SM s a a
Compose :: SM s b c -> SM s a b -> SM s a c
Fst :: SM s (a, b) a
Snd :: SM s (a, b) b
(:&&&) :: SM s a c -> SM s a d -> SM s a (c, d)
(:***) :: SM s a c -> SM s b d -> SM s (a, b) (c, d)
SlowIO :: SM s a a -- Simulate a slow I/O computation.
Here’s an example of a stage which takes an ordered pair as input and
swaps the elements of the pair. Note the use of SlowIO
simulate that some slow I/O computation happens.
swap :: SM () (a, b) (b, a)
= Snd :*** Fst `Compose` copy `Compose` SlowIO
swap where
= Id :&&& Id copy
We can interpret
such state machines into plain
functions as follows.
interpret :: SM s a b -> (a -> s -> IO (s, b))
Id x s = return (s, x)
interpret Compose g f) x s = do
interpret (<- interpret f x s
(s', y)
interpret g y s'Fst x s = return (s, fst x)
interpret Snd x s = return (s, snd x)
interpret :&&& g) x s = do
interpret (f <- interpret f x s
(s', y) <- interpret g x s'
(s'', z) return (s'', (y, z))
:*** g) x s = do
interpret (f <- interpret f (fst x) s
(s', y) <- interpret g (snd x) s'
(s'', z) return (s'', (y, z))
SlowIO x s = do
interpret 200000 -- 0.2s
threadDelay return (s, x)
Next lets have a look at how we can construct pipelines of such state machines.
data P a b where
SM :: String -> SM s a b -> s -> P a b
(:>>>) :: P a b -> P b c -> P a c
The following is an example pipeline where there’s only one stage in which we do our pair swapping three times.
swapsSequential :: P (a, b) (b, a)
= SM "three swaps" (swap `Compose` swap `Compose` swap) () swapsSequential
The above corresponds to our coarse grained booking system where the laundry was booked for the whole cycle. Whereas the following corresponds to the more fine grained approach where we get pipelining.
swapsPipelined :: P (a, b) (b, a)
swapsPipelined SM "first swap" swap () :>>>
SM "second swap" swap () :>>>
SM "third swap" swap ()
A pipeline can be deployed, we’ll use the following type to keep track of the queue associated with the pipeline as well as the name and pids of the state machines involved in the pipeline.
data Deployment a = Deployment
queue :: TQueue a
{ pids :: [(String, Async ())]
names :: Deployment a -> String
= bracket . intercalate "," . reverse . map fst . pids
names where
= "[" ++ s ++ "]" bracket s
Here’s the actual deploy
ment function which takes a
pipeline and gives back an input-queue and a Deployment
which holds the output-queue and the names and pids of the state
deploy :: P a b -> IO (TQueue a, Deployment b)
= do
deploy p <- newTQueueIO
q <- deploy' p (Deployment q [])
d return (q, d)
deploy' :: P a b -> Deployment a -> IO (Deployment b)
SM name sm s0) d = do
deploy' (<- newTQueueIO
q' <- async (go s0 q')
pid return Deployment { queue = q', pids = (name, pid) : pids d }
= interpret sm
= do
go s q' <- atomically $ readTQueue (queue d)
x <- f x s
(s', o) $ writeTQueue q' o
go s' q':>>> sm') d = do
deploy' (sm <- deploy' sm d
d' deploy' sm' d'
We now have everything we need to run a simple benchmark comparing the sequential version of three swaps versus the pipelined version.
data PipelineKind = Sequential | Pipelined
deriving Show
main :: IO ()
= do
main mapM_ libMain [Sequential, Pipelined]
libMain :: PipelineKind -> IO ()
= do
libMain k <- deploy $ case k of
(q, d) Sequential -> swapsSequential
Pipelined -> swapsPipelined
print k
putStrLn $ "Pids: " ++ names d
<- getCurrentTime
start 1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7)] $ \x ->
forM_ [($ writeTQueue q x
atomically <- replicateM 6 $ atomically $ readTQueue (queue d)
resps <- getCurrentTime
end putStrLn $ "Responses: " ++ show resps
putStrLn $ "Time: " ++ show (diffUTCTime end start)
putStrLn ""
We can run the above with
cabal run readme-pipeline-example
, which results in
something like the following being printed to the screen.
Pids: [three swaps]
Responses: [(2,1),(3,2),(4,3),(5,4),(6,5),(7,6)]
Time: 3.611045787s
Pids: [first swap,second swap,third swap]
Responses: [(2,1),(3,2),(4,3),(5,4),(6,5),(7,6)]
Time: 1.604990775s
Cool, we managed to reduce the total running time by more than half! We can do even better though! In addition to pipelining we can also shard the queues by letting two state machines work on the same queue, the first processing the elements in the even positions of the queue and the second processing the elements in the odd positions.
data P a b where
SM :: String -> SM s a b -> s -> P a b
(:>>>) :: P a b -> P b c -> P a c+ Shard :: P a b -> P a b
Here’s an example of a sharded pipeline, where each shard will spawn two state machines (one working on the even indexes of the queue and the other on the odd).
swapsSharded :: P (a, b) (b, a)
swapsSharded Shard (SM "first swap" swap ()) :>>>
Shard (SM "second swap" swap ()) :>>>
Shard (SM "third swap" swap ())
In the deployment of shards, we achieve the even-odd split by reading
from the input queue, qIn
, and first writing to the even
queue, qEven
, and then switching over to the odd queue,
, when making the recursive call in
. Whereas shardQOut
does the inverse
and merges the two queues back into the output queue:
+ deploy' (Shard p) d = do
+ let qIn = queue d
+ qEven <- newTQueueIO
+ qOdd <- newTQueueIO
+ pidIn <- async $ shardQIn qIn qEven qOdd
+ dEven <- deploy' p (Deployment qEven [])
+ dOdd <- deploy' p (Deployment qOdd [])
+ qOut <- newTQueueIO
+ pidOut <- async $ shardQOut (queue dEven) (queue dOdd) qOut
+ return (Deployment qOut (("shardIn: " ++ names dEven ++ " & " ++ names dOdd, pidIn) :
+ ("shardOut: " ++ names dEven ++ " & " ++ names dOdd, pidOut) :
+ pids dEven ++ pids dOdd ++ pids d))
+ where
+ shardQIn :: TQueue a -> TQueue a -> TQueue a -> IO ()
+ shardQIn qIn qEven qOdd = do
+ atomically (readTQueue qIn >>= writeTQueue qEven)
+ shardQIn qIn qOdd qEven
+ shardQOut :: TQueue a -> TQueue a -> TQueue a -> IO ()
+ shardQOut qEven qOdd qOut = do
+ atomically (readTQueue qEven >>= writeTQueue qOut)
+ shardQOut qOdd qEven qOut
Running this version we see more than 3.5x speed-up compared to the sequential pipeline.
Pids: [first swap,first swap,shardOut: [first swap] & [first swap],shardIn: [first swap] & [first swap],second swap,second swap,shardOut: [second swap] & [second swap],shardIn: [second swap] & [second swap],third swap,third swap,shardOut: [third swap] & [third swap],shardIn: [third swap] & [third swap]]
Responses: [(2,1),(3,2),(4,3),(5,4),(6,5),(7,6)]
Time: 1.00241912s
There are still many more improvements to be made here:
- Avoid spawning threads for merely shuffling elements between queues,
shardQ{In, Out}
above; - Avoid copying elements between queues;
- Back-pressure;
- Batching.
I believe all these problems can be solved by choosing a better
concurrent queue data structure than TQueue
, so that’s what
we’ll have a look at next.
The Disruptor*
modules are a Haskell port of the LMAX Disruptor,
which is a high performance inter-thread messaging library. The
developers at LMAX, which operates a financial exchange, reported in 2010
that they could process more than 100,000 transactions per second at
less than 1 millisecond latency.
At its core it’s just a lock-free concurrent queue, but it also provides building blocks for achieving several useful concurrent programming tasks that typical queues don’t (or at least don’t make obvious how to do). The extra features include:
- Multi-cast (many consumers can in parallel process the same event);
- Batching (both on producer and consumer side);
- Back-pressure;
- Sharding for scalability;
- Dependencies between consumers.
It’s also performs better than most queues, as we shall see further down.
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Disruptor.SP
main :: IO ()
= do
-- Create the shared ring buffer.
let bufferCapacity = 128
<- newRingBuffer bufferCapacity
-- The producer keeps a counter and produces events that are merely the pretty
-- printed value as a string of that counter.
let produce :: Int -> IO (String, Int)
= return (show n, n + 1)
produce n
-- The counter starts at zero.
= 0
-- No back-pressure is applied in this example.
backPressure :: Int -> IO ()
= return ()
backPressure _
<- newEventProducer rb produce backPressure initialProducerState
-- The consumer merely prints the string event to the terminal.
let consume :: () -> String -> SequenceNumber -> EndOfBatch -> IO ()
consume () event snr endOfBatch putStrLn (event ++ if endOfBatch then " (end of batch)" else "")
-- The consumer doesn't need any state in this example.
= ()
-- Which other consumers do we need to wait for before consuming an event?
= []
-- What to do in case there are no events to consume?
= Sleep 1
<- newEventConsumer rb consume initialConsumerState dependencies waitStrategy
-- Tell the ring buffer which the last consumer is, to avoid overwriting
-- events that haven't been consumed yet.
setGatingSequences rb [ecSequenceNumber consumer]
$ \ap ->
withEventProducer producer $ \ac -> do
withEventConsumer consumer 3 * 1000 * 1000) -- 3 sec
threadDelay (
cancel ap cancel ac
You can run the above example with
cabal run readme-disruptor-example
A couple of things we could change to highlight the features we mentioned in the above section:
Add a second consumer that saves the event to disk, this consumer would be slower than the current one which logs to the terminal, but we could use buffer up events in memory and only actually write when the end of batch flag is set to speed things up;
We could also shard depending on the sequence number, e.g. have two slower consumers that write to disk and have one of them handle even sequence numbers while the other handles odd ones;
The above producer writes one event at the time to the ring buffer, but since we know at which sequence number the last consumer is at we can easily make writes in batches as well;
Currently the producer doesn’t apply any back-pressure when the ring buffer is full, in a more realistic example where the producer would, for example, create events from requests made to a http server we could use back-pressure to tell the http server to return status code 429 (too many requests);
If we have one consumer that writes to the terminal and another one that concurrently writes to disk, we could add a third consumer that does something with the event only if it has both been logged and stored to disk (i.e. the third consumer depends on both the first and the second).
How it works
The ring buffer is implemented using a bounded array, it keeps track of a monotonically increasing sequence number and it knows its the capacity of the array, so to find out where to write the next value by simply taking the modulus of the sequence number and the capacity. This has several advantages over traditional queues:
We never remove elements when dequeing, merely overwrite them once we gone all way around the ring. This removes write contention between the producer and the consumer, one could also imagine avoiding garbage collection by only allocating memory the first time around the ring (but we don’t do this in Haskell);
Using an array rather than linked list increasing striding due to spatial locality.
The ring buffer also keeps track of up to which sequence number its last consumer has consumed, in order to not overwrite events that haven’t been handled yet.
This also means that producers can ask how much capacity left a ring buffer has, and do batched writes. If there’s no capacity left the producer can apply back-pressure upstream as appropriate.
Consumers need keep track of which sequence number they have processed, in order to avoid having the ring buffer overwrite unprocessed events as already mentioned, but this also allows consumers to depend on each other.
When a consumer is done processing an event, it asks the ring buffer for the event at its next sequence number, the ring buffer then replies that either there are no new events, in which case the consumer applies it wait strategy, or the ring buffer can reply that there are new events, the consumer the handles each one in turn and the last one will be have the end of batch flag set, so that the consumer can effectively batch the processing.
Our Disruptor implementation, which hasn’t been optimised much yet, is about 2x slower than LMAX’s Java version on their single-producer single-consumer benchmark (1P1C) (basically the above example) on a couple of years old Linux laptop.
The same benchmark compared to other Haskell libraries:
10.3x faster than
;8.3x faster than
;1.7x faster than
;25.5x faster than
;700x faster than
;1.3x slower than
;TODO: Compare with
In the triple-producer single-consumer (3P1C) benchmark, the Java version is 5x slower than the Java 1P1C case. And our 3P1C is 4.6x slower than our 1P1C version and our 3P1C version is 2.7x slower than the Java version.
The same benchmark compared to other Haskell libraries:
73x faster than
;3.5x faster than
;1.3x faster than
;1.9x faster than
For a slightly more “real world” example, we modified the 3P1C test
to have three producers that log messages while the consumer writes them
to a log file and compared it to fast-logger
The pipelined-state-machines
benchmark has a throughput of
3:4 that of fast-logger
. When we bump it to ten
concurrently logging threads the pipelined-state-machines
benchmark has a throughput of 10:7 that of fast-logger
See the file benchmark.sh
full details about how the benchmarks are run.
As always take benchmarks with a grain of salt, we’ve tried to make them as fair with respect to each other and as true to the original Java versions as possible. If you see anything that seems unfair, or if you get very different results when trying to reproduce the numbers, then please file an issue.
There’s a lot of possible paths to explore from here, including:
- Can we swap out our use of
in ourdeploy
ipelines? - Can we add something like a
FanOut :: P a b -> P a c -> P a (b, c)
and aPar :: P a c -> P b d -> P (a, b) (c, d)
combinator to allow two parallel queues? - What about sum-types and error handling?
- Our current, and the above just mentioned, pipeline combinators are all binary to can we generalise this to N-ary?
- Can we visualise pipelines using
or similar? - Can we build a performance/cost simulator of pipelines?
- Arrow syntax or monadic DSL for pipelines?
- We’ve seen previously how we can hot-code upgrade state machines, what about hot-code upgrading pipelines?
- Can we implement the Erlang
behaviour using Disruptor? - Would it make sense to use the spiritual
successor of the Disruptor instead, i.e. the different array queues from
: - How exactly do these pipelines relate to
the libraries
? - How does it relate to synchronous
programming languages such as Esterel, Lustre,
ReactiveML, etc? It seems to me that
their main motivation is to be concurrent or parallel while still
determinstic, which is what we’d like as well. Looking at ReactiveML’s
documentation for compositions
we see the same constructs as we’ve discussed: their
is ourCompose
(with its arguments flipped), their||
is ourFanOut
, their|>
is our:>>>
and theirlet-and
construct could be achived by adding projection functions to ourP
ipelines similar toFst
. Interestingly they don’t have any sum-types-like construct here, i.e. something like(:|||) :: P a c -> P b c -> P (Either a b) c
; - I like to think of how one constructs a
pipeline, i.e. the choice of which tasks should happen in parallel or
should be sharded etc, as a choice of how to best make use of the
CPUs/cores of a single computer. If seen this way then that begs the
question: what about a network of multiple computers? Perhaps there
should be something like a
data type which describes how multiple pipelines interact and a topology is deployed by deploying multiple pipelines over multiple machines?
See also
LMAX - How to Do 100K TPS at Less than 1ms Latency by Martin Thompson (QCon 2010);
LMAX Disruptor and the Concepts of Mechanical Sympathy by Jamie Allen (2011);
Concurrent Programming with the Disruptor by Trisha Gee (2012);
Disruptor 3.0: Details and Advanced Patterns by Mike Barker (YOW! 2013);
Designing for Performance by Martin Thompson (GOTO 2015);
A quest for predictable latency with Java concurrency Martin Thompson (JavaZone 2016);
Evolution of Financial Exchange Architectures by Martin Thompson (QCon 2020)
- 1,000,000 tx/s and less than 100 microseconds latency, he is no longer at LMAX though so we don’t know if these exchanges are using the disruptor pattern.
Aeron: Open-source high-performance messaging talk by Martin Thompson (Strange Loop, 2014);
Aeron: What, Why and What Next? talk by Todd Montgomery (GOTO, 2015);
Cluster Consensus: when Aeron met Raft talk by Martin Thompson (GOTO, 2018);
Fault Tolerant 24/7 Operations with Aeron Cluster talk by Todd Montgomery (2022).
- Martin Thompson’s blog;
- The Disruptor mailing list;
- The Mechanical Sympathy mailing list;
- The LMAX Architecture by Martin Fowler (2011);
- Staged event-driven architecture;
- The Reactive Manifesto;
- Flow-based programming.