An experiment in implementing remote hot code swapping, or dynamic code upgrade, for state machines.
In Erlang it’s possible to seamlessly hot swap the code on a running process.
Consider the following gen_server
implementation of a
counter which can be incr
emented and have its current
value retrieved:
-export([start_link/0, incr/0, count/0]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
start_link() -> gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], [{debug, [trace]}]).
incr() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, incr).
count() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, count).
init([]) -> {ok, 0}.
handle_call(incr, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State+1};
handle_call(count, _From, State) -> {reply, State, State};
handle_call(_Call, _From, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_cast(_Cast, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok.
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.
Here’s a small REPL session which shows how it works:
1> c(counter).
2> counter:start_link().
3> counter:incr().
*DBG* counter got call incr from <0.80.0>
*DBG* counter sent ok to <0.80.0>, new state 1
4> counter:incr().
*DBG* counter got call incr from <0.80.0>
*DBG* counter sent ok to <0.80.0>, new state 2
5> counter:count().
*DBG* counter got call count from <0.80.0>
*DBG* counter sent 2 to <0.80.0>, new state 2
Now lets introduce a contrived change to the counter where we change
the state to contain an additional counter, which starts at the value of
the old one (see code_change
). The two operations
and count
are changed to operate on the
new counter leaving the old one alone.
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-export([start_link/0, incr/0, count/0]).
@@ -13,14 +13,13 @@
init([]) -> {ok, 0}.
-handle_call(incr, _From, State) -> {reply, ok, State+1};
-handle_call(count, _From, State) -> {reply, State, State};
+handle_call(incr, _From, {OldState, State}) -> {reply, ok, {OldState, State+1}};
+handle_call(count, _From, {OldState, State}) -> {reply, State, {OldState, State}};
handle_call(_Call, _From, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_cast(_Cast, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.
+code_change("1", State, _Extra) -> {ok, {State, State}}.
We can now upgrade the running process as follows:
6> compile:file(counter).
7> sys:suspend(counter).
8> code:purge(counter).
9> code:load_file(counter).
10> sys:change_code(counter, counter, "1", []).
11> sys:resume(counter).
12> counter:incr().
*DBG* counter got call incr from <0.80.0>
*DBG* counter sent ok to <0.80.0>, new state {2,3}
13> counter:incr().
*DBG* counter got call incr from <0.80.0>
*DBG* counter sent ok to <0.80.0>, new state {2,4}
14> counter:count().
*DBG* counter got call count from <0.80.0>
*DBG* counter sent 4 to <0.80.0>, new state {2,4}
This repository is an experiment which tries to do something similar
in Haskell for state machines of type
input -> state -> (state, output)
Before we go into the details of how this is implemented in Haskell, lets have a look at how it looks from the user’s perspective.
In one terminal run cabal run exe
and in another
terminal run cabal repl
and type:
> import LibMain
> incr
> count
This should show the following in the first terminal:
Output: L Unit
New state: Int 1
Output: R (Int 1)
New state: Int 1
Where L Unit
is the output from incr
R (Int 1)
the output from count
Next we will upgrade the state machine from the REPL:
> import Example.Counter
> upgrade (Upgrade counterSM counterSM2 upgradeState)
> incr
> incr
> count
Which will result in the following being printed in the first terminal:
Upgrade successful!
Output: L Unit
New state: Pair (Int 1) (Int 1)
Output: L Unit
New state: Pair (Int 1) (Int 2)
Output: R (Int 2)
New state: Pair (Int 1) (Int 2)
If we try to upgrade again, we get an error:
The version running isn't the one the upgrade expects. Aborting upgrade.
How it works
The basic idea is that we want our state machines to be seralisable so that we can send them over the network in order to perform remote upgrades.
The key observation is that a state machine of type:
type SM state input output = input -> state -> (state, output)
is an instance of Arrow
and Arrow
s allow us
to express functions in a first-order way, as long as
arr :: Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a b c
not used.
The Arrow
type class modulo arr
is the
type class from Conal Elliott’s work on
compiling to
The CartesianCategory
type class is defined as
class Category k => Cartesian k where
(&&&) :: k a c -> k a d -> k a (c, d)
(***) :: k b c -> k b' c' -> k (b, b') (c, c')
fst :: k (a, b) a
snd :: k (a, b) b
The initial (or free) CartesianCategory
is given by the
following data type:
data FreeCC a b where
Id :: FreeCC a a
Compose :: FreeCC b c -> FreeCC a b -> FreeCC a c
(:&&&) :: FreeCC a c -> FreeCC a d -> FreeCC a (c, d)
(:***) :: FreeCC b c -> FreeCC b' c' -> FreeCC (b, b') (c, c')
Fst :: FreeCC (a, b) a
Snd :: FreeCC (a, b) b
with the, hopefully, obvious Cartesian
So the idea is that we write our program using the
swap :: Cartesian k => k (a, b) (b, a)
= copy >>> snd *** fst
swap where
copy :: Cartesian k => k a (a, a)
= id &&& id copy
And then we can instantiate k
to be FreeCC
and get ahold of the serialisable syntax.
Ideally, since writing larger programs in this point-free style is tricky, we’d like to use Haskell’s arrow syntax:
swap' :: Cartesian k => k (a, b) (b, a)
= proc (x, y) -> returnA -< (y, x) swap'
After all Cartesian
is merely Arrow
and we’ve shown how swap
can be
implemented without arr
, but alas GHC nevertheless tries to
translate swap'
into something that uses arr
which ruins our plan.
Conal developed the concat
GHC plugin to avoid this
problem. It translates any monomorphic Haskell function into an
of any user-defined Haskell Cartesian closed category
Oleg Grenrus also developed another GHC plugin
that does the right thing and translates arrow syntax into
rather than Arrow
which also
solves the problem.
Since both of these approaches rely on the GHC plugin machinery they are quite heavyweight. Conal’s translation works for any monomorphic function, so in a sense it solves a more general problem than we need. Oleg’s library is also solving a bunch of other problems that we don’t care about, it implements OverloadedStrings, OverloadedLists, OverloadedLabels using the plugin, and more importantly it doesn’t compile with GHC 9.2 or above.
More recently Lucas Escot showed how to
use ideas from Jean-Philippe Bernardy and Arnaud Spiwack’s paper Evaluating Linear
Functions to Symmetric Monoidal Categories (2021) to provide a
small DSL which gives us something close to the arrow syntax. It’s also
not quite perfect, in particular higher-order combinators cannot be
expressed, but Lucas tells me that he’s working on a follow up post
which tackles this problem. As we’ve seen in the above example, we also
need to encode the state machine’s inputs and outputs as explicit
s, it might be possible to get around this with some
generically derived isomorphism though.
Anyway, we use the trick
that Lucas described to express our state
machines and from that we get something similar
to the free Cartesian category (FreeCC
above), which we
then compile to the Categorical
abstract machine (CAM). This compilation
process is rather straight-forward as CAM
is similar to FreeCC
. The CAM “bytecode”
is our serialised state machine and this is what gets sent over the
network when doing upgrades.
The idea is that each deployed node runs a CAM (or some other abstract machine), when we deploy the node we specify a initial state machine (SM) to run there. We then remotely upgrade the state machine on a node by sending it CAM bytecode of the old SM (this is used to verify that we are not updating the wrong SM), the bytecode for the new SM and the bytecode for a state migration (old state to new state). The state migration is type-safe.
We could also serialise the free Cartesian category and send that over the network, but the bytecode is “flatter” (i.e. can more easily be turned into a list of bytecodes) and hopefully a more stable API. I can imagine situations where the syntax for writing state machines changes or gets more expressive, but the bytecode stays the same. Which is a good thing, since upgrading the abstract machine on a node can probably not be done as easily without any downtime.
I believe this is a good starting point for further experiments, here are a few ideas:
- Generate
FreeFunc s a b
so that the correctness can be tested using property-based testing; - Backwards compatibility, i.e. allow old
inputs after an upgrade, perhaps similar to how state migrations are
handled by providing a
FreeFunc () oldInput newInput
as part ofUpgrade
; - Automatic state migration? C.f. essence-of-live-coding;
- Downgrades and rollback in case upgrades fail;
- Improve the DSL for writing state machines:
- Either building upon the current approach described in Overloading the lambda abstraction in Haskell by Lucas;
- Or perhaps using a custom preprocessor and quasiquoter for Cartesian (closed) categories, see Pepe Iborra’s arrowp-qq for inspiration;
- Or porting the Overloaded.Categories bits from Oleg’s plugin to newer GHC versions;
- Or actually fixing GHC, I’m not sure if there’s a proposal for this already, I think the closest thing I could find is this (stale) one by Alexis King.
- In Erlang upgrades are usually not done
directly on
but rather via theapplication
s behaviours. In short oneapplication
is a supervisor tree and arelease
is one or moreapplication
s. For more see appup and relups, as well as how this can be automated using rebar3 over here. What would porting that over to our setting look like? - How does Erlang handle upgrades of the VM without downtime?
- Would anything need to be changed if we tried to combine the arrow-based state machines with supervisors or async I/O?
- Can we implement the abstract machine and event loop using Cosmopolitan or WebAssembly for portability?
- Imagine if we wanted to develop state machines in an other programming language but still target the CAM. Most programming languages don’t have GADTs so type-safe the free Cartesian category will not be possible to implement, furthermore even if we could there’s the problem of working with combinators vs arrow syntax… Is there a more low-tech solution that would be easier to port to less featureful languages?
See also
: FRP library with hot code swapping support.- Dan Piponi’s
s are similar to our state machines: - Chris Penner’s Deconstructing Lambdas talk (2021);
- The Dynamic code change chapter (p. 72) in Joe Armstrong’s PhD thesis (2003).
Thanks to Daniel Gustafsson for helping me understand
from the Overloading the lambda abstraction in
Haskell blog post!
The closed part of Cartesian closed category means that we also add exponents (not just finite products), i.e. analogous to