Erlang's not about lightweight processes and message passing...

Posted on Jan 18, 2023

I used to think that the big idea of Erlang is its lightweight processes and message passing. Over the last couple of years I’ve realised that there’s a bigger insight to be had, and in this post I’d like to share it with you.


Erlang has an interesting history. If I understand things correctly, it started off as a Prolog library for building reliable distributed systems, morphed into a Prolog dialect, before finally becoming a language in its own right.

The goal seemed to have always been to solve the problem of building reliable distributed systems. It was developed at Ericsson and used to program their telephone switches. This was sometime in the 80s and 90s, before internet use become widespread. I suppose they were already dealing with “internet scale” traffic, i.e. hundreds of millions of users, with stricter SLAs than most internet services provide today. So in a sense they were ahead of their time.

In 1998 Ericsson decided to ban all use of Erlang1. The people responsible for developing it argued that if they were going to ban it, then they might as well open source it. Which Ericsson did and shortly after most of the team that created Erlang quit and started their own company.

One of these people was Joe Armstrong, which also was one of the main people behind the design and implementation of Erlang. The company was called Bluetail and they got bought up a couple of times but in the end Joe got fired in 2002.

Shortly after, still in 2002, Joe starts writing his PhD thesis at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS). Joe was born 1950, so he was probably 52 years old at this point. The topic of the thesis is Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors and it was finished the year after in 2003.

It’s quite an unusual thesis in many ways. For starters, most theses are written by people in their twenties with zero experience of practical applications. Whereas in Joe’s case he has been working professionally on this topic since the 80s, i.e. about twenty years. The thesis contains no math nor theory, it’s merely a presentation of the ideas that underpin Erlang and how they used Erlang to achieve the original goal of building reliable distributed systems.

I highly commend reading his thesis and forming your own opinion, but to me it’s clear that the big idea there isn’t lightweight processes2 and message passing, but rather the generic components which in Erlang are called behaviours.


I’ll first explain in more detail what behaviours are, and then I’ll come back to the point that they are more important than the idea of lightweight processes.

Erlang behaviours are like interfaces in, say, Java or Go. It’s a collection of type signatures which can have multiple implementations, and once the programmer provides such an implementation they get access to functions written against that interface. To make it more concrete here’s a contrived example in Go:

// The interface.
type HasName interface {
        Name() string

// A generic function written against the interface.
func Greet(n HasName) {
    fmt.Printf("Hello %s!\n", n.Name())

// First implementation of the interface.
type Joe struct {}

func (_ *Joe) Name() string {
        return "Joe"

// Second implementation of the interface.
type Mike struct {}

func (_ *Mike) Name() string {
        return "Mike"

func main() {
        joe := &Joe{}
        mike := &Mike{}

Running the above program will display:

Hello Mike!
Hello Joe!

This hopefully illustrates how Greet is generic in, or parametrised by, the interface HasName.

Generic server behaviour

Next lets have a look at a more complicated example in Erlang taken from Joe’s thesis (p. 136). It’s a key-value store where we can store a key value pair or lookup the value of a key, the handle_call part is the most interesting:


-export([start/0, stop/0, lookup/1, store/2]).

-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, terminate/2]).

start() ->

stop() -> gen_server:cast(kv, stop).

init(arg1) ->
  io:format("Key-Value server starting~n"),
  {ok, dict:new()}.

store(Key, Val) ->
  gen_server:call(kv, {store, Key, Val}).

lookup(Key) -> gen_server:call(kv, {lookup, Key}).

handle_call({store, Key, Val}, From, Dict) ->
  Dict1 = dict:store(Key, Val, Dict),
  {reply, ack, Dict1};
handle_call({lookup, crash}, From, Dict) ->
  1/0; %% <- deliberate error :-)
handle_call({lookup, Key}, From, Dict) ->
  {reply, dict:find(Key, Dict), Dict}.

handle_cast(stop, Dict) -> {stop, normal, Dict}.

terminate(Reason, Dict) ->
  io:format("K-V server terminating~n").

This is an implementation of the gen_server behaviour/interface. Notice how handle_call updates the state (Dict) in case of a store and lookups the key in the state. Once gen_server is given this implementation it will provide a server which can handle concurrent store and lookup requests, similarly to how Greet provided the displaying functionality.

At this point you might be thinking “OK, so what? Lots of programming languages have interfaces…”. That’s true, but notice how handle_call is completely sequential, i.e. all concurrency is hidden away in the generic gen_server component. “Yeah, but that’s just good engineering practice which can be done in any language” you say. That’s true as well, but the thesis pushes this idea quite far. It identifies six behaviours: gen_server, gen_event, gen_fsm, supervisor, application, and release and then says these are enough to build reliable distributed systems. As a case study Joe uses one of Ericsson’s telephone switches (p. 157):

When we look at the AXD301 project in chapter 8, we will see that there were 122 instances of gen_server, 36 instances of gen_event and 10 instances of gen_fsm. There were 20 supervisors and 6 applications. All this is packaged into one release.

Joe gives several arguments for why behaviour should be used (pp. 157-158):

  1. The application programmer only has to provide the part of the code which defines the semantics (or “business logic”) of their problem, while the infrastructure code is provided automatically by the behaviour;

  2. The application programmer writes sequential code, all concurrency is hidden away in the behaviour;

  3. Behaviours are written by experts, and based on years of experience and represent “best practices”;

  4. Easier for new team members to get started: business logic is sequential, similar structure that they might have seen before elsewhere;

  5. If whole systems are implemented reusing a small set of behaviours: as behaviour implementations improve the whole systems will improve without requiring any code changes;

  6. Sticking to only using behaviours enforces structure, which in turn makes testing and formal verification much easier.

We’ll come back to this last point about testing later.

Event manager behaviour

Lets come back to the behaviours we listed above first. We looked at gen_server, but what are the others for? There’s gen_event which is a generic event manager, which lets you register event handlers that are then run when the event manager gets messages associated with the handlers. Joe says this is useful for, e.g., error logging and gives the following example of an simple logger (p. 142):


-export([start/0, stop/0, log/1, report/0]).

-export([init/1, terminate/2,
         handle_event/2, handle_call/2]).

-define(NAME, my_simple_event_logger).

start() ->
  case gen_event:start_link({local, ?NAME}) of
    Ret = {ok, Pid} ->
  Other ->

stop() -> gen_event:stop(?NAME).

log(E) -> gen_event:notify(?NAME, {log, E}).

report() ->
  gen_event:call(?NAME, ?MODULE, report).

init(arg1) ->
  io:format("Logger starting~n"),
  {ok, []}.

handle_event({log, E}, S) -> {ok, trim([E|S])}.

handle_call(report, S) -> {ok, S, S}.

terminate(stop, _) -> true.

trim([X1,X2,X3,X4,X5|_]) -> [X1,X2,X3,X4,X5];
trim(L) -> L.

The interesting part is handle_event, trim and report. Together they let the user log, keep track and display the last five error messages.

State machine behaviour

The gen_fsm behavior has been renamed to gen_statem (for state machine) since thesis was written. It’s very similar to gen_server, but more geared towards implementing protocols, which often are specified as state machines. I believe any gen_server can be implemented as a gen_statem and vice versa so we won’t go into the details of gen_statem.

Supervisor behaviour

The next interesting behavior is supervisor. Supervisors are processes which sole job is to make sure that other processes are healthy and doing their job. If a supervised process fails then the supervisor can restart it according to some predefined strategy. Here’s an example due to Joe (p. 148):


-export([start/0, init/1]).

start() ->
  supervisor:start_link({local, simple_supervisor},
  ?MODULE, nil).

init(_) ->
  {{one_for_one, 5, 1000},
     {packet_assembler, start, []},
     permanent, 500, worker, [packet_assembler]},
     {kv, start, []},
     permanent, 500, worker, [kv]},
     {simple_logger, start, []},
     permanent, 500, worker, [simple_logger]}]}}.

The {one_for_one, 5, 1000} is the restart strategy. It says that if one of the supervised processes (packet_assembler, kv, and simple_logger) fail then only restart the failing process (one_for_one). If the supervisor needs to restart more than 5 times in 1000 seconds then the supervisor itself should fail.

The permanent, 500, worker part means that this is a worker process which should be permanently kept alive and its given 500 milliseconds to gracefully stop what it’s doing in case the supervisor wants to restart it.

“Why would the supervisor want to restart it if it’s not dead already?”, one might wonder. Well, there are other restart strategies than one_for_one. For example, one_for_all where if one process fails then the supervisor restarts all of its children.

If we also consider that supervisors can supervise supervisors, which are not necessarily running on the same computer, then I hope that you get an idea of how powerful this behaviour can be. And, no, this isn’t “just Kubernetes”, because it’s at the thread/lightweight process level rather than docker container level.

The idea for supervisors and their restart strategies comes from the observation that often a restart appears to fix the problem, as captured in the Have You Tried Turning It Off And On Again? sketches from IT Crowd.

Knowing that failing processes will get restarted coupled with Jim Gray’s idea of failing fast, that’s either produce the output according to the specification or signal failure and stop operating, leads to Joe’s slogan: “Let it crash!” (p. 107). Another way to think of it is that a program should only express its “happy path”, should anything go wrong on its happy way it should crash, rather than trying to be clever about it and try to fix the problem (potentially making it worse), and another program higher up the supervisor tree will handle it.

Supervisors and the “let it crash” philosophy, appear to produce reliable systems. Joe uses the Ericsson AXD301 telephone switch example again (p. 191):

Evidence for the long-term operational stability of the system had also not been collected in any systematic way. For the Ericsson AXD301 the only information on the long-term stability of the system came from a power-point presentation showing some figures claiming that a major customer had run an 11 node system with a 99.9999999% reliability, though how these figure had been obtained was not documented.

To put this in perspective, five nines (99.999%) reliability is considered good (5.26 minutes of downtime per year). “59% of Fortune 500 companies experience a minimum of 1.6 hours of downtime per week”, according to some report from a biased company. Notice per year vs per week, but as we don’t know how either reliability numbers are obtained its probably safe to assume that the truth is somewhere in the middle – still a big difference, but not 31.56 milliseconds (nine nines) of downtime per year vs 1.6 hours of downtime per week.

Application and release behaviours

I’m not sure if application and release technically are behaviours, i.e. interfaces. They are part of the same chapter as the other behaviours in the thesis and they do provide a clear structure which is a trait of the other behaviours though, so we’ll include them in the discussion.

So far we’ve presented behaviours from the bottom up. We started with “worker” behaviours gen_server, gen_statem and gen_event which together capture the semantics of our problem. We then saw how we can define supervisor trees whose children are other supervisor trees or workers, to deal with failures and restarts.

Next level up is an application which consists of a supervisor tree together with everything else we need to deliver a particular application.

A system can consist of several application and that’s where the final “behaviour” comes in. A release packages up one or more applications. They also contain code to handle upgrades. If the upgrade fails, it must be able to rollback to the previous stable state.

How behaviours can be implemented

I hope that by now I’m managed to convince you that it’s not actually the lightweight processes and message passing by themselves that make Erlang great for building reliable systems.

At best one might be able to claim that lightweight processes and supervisors are the key mechanisms at play3, but I think it would be more honest to recognise the structure that behaviours provide and how that ultimately leads to reliable software.

I’ve not come across any other language, library, or framework which provides such relatively simple building blocks that compose into big systems like the AXD301 (“over a million lines of Erlang code”, p. 167).

This begs the question: why aren’t language and library designers stealing the structure behind Erlang’s behaviours, rather than copying the ideas of lightweight processes and message passing?

Let’s take a step back. We said earlier that behaviours are interfaces and many programming languages have interfaces. How would we go about starting to implement behaviours in other languages?

Lets start with gen_server. I like to think its interface signature as being:

Input -> State -> (State, Output)

That’s it takes some input, its current state and produces a pair of the new updated state and an output.

How do we turn this sequential signature into something that can handle concurrent requests? One way would be to fire up a HTTP server which transforms requests into Inputs and puts them on a queue, have an event loop which pops inputs from the queue and feeds it to the sequential implementation, then writing the output back to the client response. It wouldn’t be difficult to generalise this to be able to handle multiple gen_servers at the same time, by giving each a name and let the request include the name in addition to the input.

gen_event could be implemented by allowing registration of callbacks to certain types of event on the queue.

supervisors is more interesting, one simple way to think of it is: when we feed the gen_server function the next input from the queue, we wrap that call in an exception handler, and should it throw we notify its supervisor. It gets a bit more complicated if the supervisor is not running on the same computer as the gen_server.

I haven’t thought about application and releases much yet, but given that configuration, deployment and upgrades are difficult problems they seem important.

Correctness of behaviours

Writing a post solely about stealing from Erlang doesn’t seem fair, even though it’s the right thing to do, so I’d like to finish off with how we can build upon the insights of Joe and the Erlang community.

I’ve been interesting in testing for a while now. Most recently I’ve been looking into simulation testing distributed systems à la FoundationDB.

Simulation testing in a nutshell is running your system in a simulated world, where the simulation has full control over which messages get sent when over the network.

FoundationDB built their own programming language, or dialect of C++ with actors, in order do the simulation testing. Our team seemed to be able to get quite far with merely using state machines of type:

Input -> State -> (State, [Output])

where [Output] is a sequence of outputs.

The idea being that the simulator keeps track of a priority queue of messages sorted by their arrival time, it pops a message, advances the clock to the arrival time of that message, feeds the message to the receiving state machine, generates new arrival times for all output messages and puts them back into the priority queue, rinse and repeat. As long as everything is deterministic and the arrival times are generated using a seed we can explore many different interleavings and get reproducible failures. It’s also much faster than Jepsen, because messaging is done in-memory and we advance the clock to the arrival time, thereby triggering any timeouts without having to wait for them.

We used to say that programs of this state machine type where written in “network normal form”, and conjectured that every program which can receive and send stuff over the network can be refactored into this shape4. Even if we had a proof, “network normal form” always felt a bit arbitrary. But then I read Joe’s thesis and realised that gen_server and gen_statem basically have the same type, so I stopped being concerned about it. As I think that if a structure is found to be useful by different people, then it’s usually a sign that it isn’t arbitrary.

Anyway, in, at least, one of Joe’s talks he mentions how difficult it’s to correctly implement distributed leader election.

I believe this is a problem that would be greatly simplified by having access to a simulator. A bit like I’d imagine having access to a wind tunnel would make building an airplane easier. Both lets you test your system under extreme conditions, such as unreliable networking or power loss, before they happen in “production”. Furthermore, this simulator can be generic in, or parametrised by, behaviours. Which means that the developer gets it for free while the complexity of the simulator is hidden away, just like the concurrent code of gen_server!

FoundationDB is a good example of simulation testing working, as witnessed by this tweet where somebody asked Kyle “aphyr” Kingsbury to Jepsen test FoundationDB:

“haven’t tested foundation[db] in part because their testing appears to be waaaay more rigorous than mine.”

Formal verification is also made easier if the program is written a state machine. Basically all of Lamport’s model checking work with TLA+ assumes that the specification is a state machine. Also more recently Kleppmann has shown how to exploit the state machine structure to do proof by (structural) induction to solve the state explosion problem.

So there you have it, we’ve gone full circle. We started by taking inspiration from Joe and Erlang’s behaviours, and ended up using the structure of the gen_server behaviour to make it easier to solve a problem that Joe used to have.


There are a bunch of related ideas that I have started working on:

Feel free to get in touch, if you find any of this interesting and would like to get involved, or if you have have comments, suggestions or questions.

See also


  1. From Joe Armstrong’s thesis (p. 6):

    In February 1998 Erlang was banned for new product development within Ericsson—the main reason for the ban was that Ericsson wanted to be a consumer of sodware technologies rather than a producer.

    From Bjarne Däcker’s thesis (2000, p. 37):

    In February 1998, Erlang was banned within Ericsson Radio AB (ERA) for new product projects aimed for external customers because:

    “The selection of an implementation language implies a more long-term commitment than selection of processors and OS, due to the longer life cycle of implemented products. Use of a proprietary language, implies a continued effort to maintain and further develop the support and the development environment. It further implies that we cannot easily benefit from, and find synergy with, the evolution following the large scale deployment of globally used languages.”

    Joe also says, in this talk (34:30), that there were two reasons for Erlang getting banned: 1) that it wasn’t Java, and 2) that it wasn’t C++.↩︎

  2. It’s a common misconception is that Erlang is about actors.

    The actor model first presented in A Universal Modular Actor Formalism for Artificial Intelligence by Carl Hewitt, Peter Bishop, Richard Steiger (1973) and refined by others over time, e.g. see Irene Greif’s thesis (1975) or Gul Agha’s thesis (1985).

    Erlang first appeard later in 1986, but the Erlang developers were not aware of the actor model. In fact Robert Virding, one of the original Erlang designers, claims that knowing about the actor model might even have slowed them down.

    Carl Hewitt has written a paper called Actor Model of Computation: Scalable Robust Information Systems (2015) which documents the differences between Erlang’s processes and the actor model.↩︎

  3. Scala’s Akka seems to be of this opinion. They got something they call “actors”, not to be confused with the actor model as per footnote 1, and obligatory supervisors trees. They don’t appear to have any analogues of the other Erlang behaviours though.

    Confusingly Akka has a concept called “behavior”, but it has nothing to do with Erlang behaviours.↩︎

  4. The intuition being that since every program using the state monad can be rewritten to a normal form where a single read/get followed by a single write/put, it seems reasonable to assume that something similar would work for recv and send over the network. I forget the reference for the state monad normal form, either Plotkin and Power or Uustalu?↩︎